英検1級二次試験スピーチのサンプル例文『英検1級questions III』

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課題:英検1級questions III


Q1: Should the mandatory retirement system be abolished?
I am for the mandatory retirement system for the following two reasons.
Firstly, it helps run a company efficiently. Most workers over 65 become less energetic and competent as the effects of old age set in. The mandatory retirement system allows those with declining abilities to stop working, thus helping keep a high level of job performance.
Secondly, it will give more job opportunities to job-seeking people. Due to the prolonged recession in Japan, about 15% of young people are jobless, followed by about 4% of middle-aged people. The mandatory retirement system will provide more job opportunities not only to youngsters, but also to middle-aged people who have to support their families. It contributes to decreasing the unemployment rate.

Q2: Should space exploration be continued?
I am for the space exploration for the following two reasons.
Firstly, it will be beneficial for human beings. Actually we have been enjoying a variety of TV programs, accurate weather forecasts and Global Positioning System through advanced satellites. These achievements are attributable to space exploration.
Secondly, space exploration may lead to the discovery of another planet to live on. Due to climate change and exhausting natural resources, living on earth is becoming more and more uncomfortable. Continued space exploration will make it possible for us to colonize another planet in the future.

Q3: Should access to the internet be restricted by law?
Yes, I feel access to the internet should be restricted by law for the following reasons.
Firstly,It will protect children from viewing violent and obscene sites on the internet. Such harmful material will negatively affect children’s mental health, which may lead to juvenile delinquency.
Secondly, It will prevent people from being influenced by extreme and racist opinions. These days some extremists and racist organizations deliberately publish radical comments on the internet to create racial tension and intolerance that make people mistrust and fear one another. Therefore, access to such content should be restricted by law in order to keep social stability.

Q4: Should the school dress code be abolished?
I do not think the school dress code should be abolished for the following reasons.
Firstly, school uniform helps reduce juvenile delinquency. Children wearing school uniform can be easily identified and so receive more attention, which helps deterring juvenile delinquency such as bullying and shoplifting.
Secondly, school uniform is conducive to improving students’ academic performance. As students wear school uniform, they can better concentrate on their studies rather than thinking about fashionable clothing and accessaries.
Finally, school uniform reduces parent’s financial burden on children’s clothing. In general school uniforms are much cheaper than private clothes. A survey conducted by the US government indicates that school uniforms usually cost half or one third as much as private clothes.

Q5: Should abortion be abolished?
I am for abortion for the following reasons.
Firstly, women have the right to decide whether they bear babies or not. In some cases, carrying pregnancy to term causes severe distress to women. For example, If the pregnancy is a result of rape or incest.
Secondly, outlawing abortion will not eliminate the practice, but will only have undesirable consequences. Historical data showed that the most popular way to limit the size of families was back street abortion when abortion was illegal at that time.

Q6: Should ecotourism be promoted?
I feel ecotourism should be promoted for the following reasons.
Firstly, it contributes to protecting the environment. Unlike traditional tourism which has damaged the environment, ecotourism will raise travelers’ awareness of nature and culture conservation and helps minimizing potential damage on the environment.
Secondly, It will brings local communities tourism revenue. Travelers visit untouched sites of natural beauty to know more about the ecology and to purchase local produce. This will provide local governments with tourism revenue which they can use to more effectively preserve natural and cultural sites.

Q7: Should the names and photos of juvenile criminals be made public?
Personally,I feel names and photos of juvenile criminals should be made public for the following reasons.
Firstly, It can serve as a deterrent to juvenile crimes. These days some juveniles show the desire to commit crimes because of the age restriction on the publication of their names and photos. So, the publication of names and photos helps reduce juvenile crimes.
Secondly, people have the right to know serious problems happening around them. Especially when a juvenile criminal committed a serious crime such as murder in your community but have yet been caught(apprehended/captured). You must know the name and photo of the criminal in order to protect yourself from potential danger.

Q8: Should cigarette advertisements be banned?
I believe cigarette advertisements should be banned for the following reasons.
Firstly, cigarette ads encourage people to start smoking. They often portrayed smoking as being cool, which makes people less concerned about its health risks. data shows that about 40% of smokers started smoking due to heavy advertising of cigarette brands.
Secondly, cigarette advertising is the biggest cause of smoking among juvenile smokers. Statistics suggest that over 90% of regular smokers started smoking before 18. Children are prone to be affected by cigarette ads because tobacco companies design ads that target toward(on) youths.

Q9 Do terminally ill patients have the right to die?
I believe terminally ill patients have the right to die for the following reasons.
Firstly, Most terminally ill patients want to die with dignity. They suffer severe pain and have no hope to be cured. Prolonging their lives means prolonging suffering. So when they voluntarily ask for euthanasia, we should respect their wishes.
Secondly, terminally ill patients usually do not want to increase financial burden on their families. They know they have no hope to recover and the expenses of keeping alive is very high. Hence, society should understand these people and allow them to choose when they want to die.

Q10: Should all countries ban private ownership of guns?
I am against private ownership of guns for the following reasons.
Firstly, banning private ownership of guns can effectively prevent mass shootings at public places. These days mass shootings occur in many countries, which has created a horrible atmosphere throughout the world. What is worse is, children and youngsters were often targeted. So governments must take steps to ban private ownership of guns in order to prevent such inhumane activities from happening again.
Secondly, banning private ownership of guns can crease crime rates. Latest statistics suggest that crime rates in the US are far higher than other advanced countries. After all guns breed crimes especially murder and massshootings.

Q11: Should Japan seek permanent status on the UN Security Council?
I don’t think Japan should seek permanent status on the UN Security Council for the following reasons.
Firstly, Japan cannot make military contribution. Due to its defeat in World War 2, a new constitution prohibit Japan from being involved in military operations overseas. Permanent membership may require Japan to take military action, Which necessitates maintaining the status quo.
Secondly, Japan cannot afford to make any more financial contribution under the prolonged recession. The duties that go with permanent status mean an increased financial burden. Given that the economy is so sluggish that the government has reduced ODA, it may be impossible for Japan to provide more financial resources to the United Nations.