英検1級二次試験スピーチのサンプル例文『Should students be asked to evaluate their teachers?』

日本英語検定協会の英検1級二次試験サンプル問題(『Should students be asked to evaluate their teachers?』)の解答例文です。コーチNo.1のオリジナルとネイティブ講師No.1の添削(てんさく)後を掲載しております。なお、弊社では英文の添削もお受けする予定です。現在はシステムや価格などを検討中です。チケット制ですが回数は少なくして英検の直前対策としてのニーズにお応えできるようにする予定です。

課題:Should students be asked to evaluate their teachers?


I agree that students should be asked to evaluate their teachers. I have a few reasons for this.

First, It can effectively stimulate their teachers to improve the quality of teaching. I feel students have a voice in judging their teachers because they are the object of teaching and have close contact with their teachers.

Second, students in modern society are more matured and well-informed than before.They know what kind of teachers is a good teacher, so we should respect their feelings and judgement. Their evaluation towards teaching is most direct.

Finally, students pay the expensive tuition to receive professional teaching, so they have the right to evaluate their teachers. Maybe their evaluation is not all correct, but they should be given freedom to have comments on their teachers. When their evaluation is not appropriate, schools have the selection not to adopt it or can consult with the student on the reason for their evaluation.

All in all, I believe that students should be given the right to judge their teachers.


I agree that students should be asked to evaluate their teachers. Here are my reasons.

Firstly, feeding back effectively motivates teachers to improve the quality of their teaching. I feel students should have a voice in judging their teachers because they are the reason for the teaching and also, they are in such close contact with their teachers.

Secondly, students in modern society are more mature and well-informed than before. They know what kind of person makes a good teacher. So we should respect their feelings and judgement. Their contribution through feedback is both direct and informed.

Finally, students pay the expensive tuition fees to receive professional teaching, so they have the right to evaluate their teachers. Perhaps their evaluation may not be totally accurate – but it is an individual opinion – and everyone should be given the freedom to leave comments if they wish. When an evaluation is not appropriate, schools have the option not to accept it or can consult with the student on the reasons for their evaluation. And teachers are also aware that you cannot ‘please all the people all the time’. Some small amount of negative feedback can be expected for even the most perfect teacher.

All in all, I believe that students should be given the right to judge their teachers.