英検1級二次試験スピーチのサンプル例文『What role should the United Nations play in international politics?』

日本英語検定協会の英検1級二次試験サンプル問題(『What role should the United Nations play in international politics?』)の解答例文です。コーチNo.1が作文しました。ネイティブ講師の添削(てんさく)も受けております。

課題:What role should the United Nations play in international politics?


I think the United Nations should play three roles in international politics. I will expand on the subject as following.

First, and most importantly, the United Nations should prevent conflicts from reoccurring through enabling nations to settle their disputes through arbitration instead of military force. The organization may calling on countries to create open diplomatic proceedings which make nations accountable for their actions.

Second, the United Nations should put more efforts to promote a more democratic, stable and peaceful world order. The organization should afford mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity to great and small states alike. The interests of smaller countries will be represented thanks to the contribution of the UN.

Finally, when peaceful settlements fail, the United Nations should have the right to exercise compulsory measures such as economic sanctions, dispatching United Nations peacekeeping forces in order to keep the world in order. Actually the UN peacekeeping forces have been extremely successful in preventing blood-shed in a wide number of cases.

In brief, I feel the United Nations has a great influence on keeping a stable and peaceful world order through making achievements related to above mentioned functions.

wordcounterでの単語数カウント結果:192 words 1,288 characters


I think the UN should play three roles in international politics. I will expand on the subject as follows.

First, and most importantly, the United Nations should prevent conflicts from reoccurring by enabling nations to settle their disputes through arbitration instead of military force. The organization may call on countries to create open diplomatic proceedings which will make nations accountable for their actions.

Second, the United Nations should put effort into promoting a more democratic, stable and peaceful world order. The organization should afford mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity to great and small states alike. Thus the interests of smaller countries will be represented thanks to the contribution of the UN.

Finally, when peaceful settlements fail, the United Nations should have the right to exercise compulsory measures such as economic sanctions, dispatching United Nations peacekeeping forces in order to keep the world status quo. Actually the UN peacekeeping forces have been extremely successful in preventing blood-shed on the whole.

In brief, I feel the United Nations has a great influence on keeping a stable and peaceful world order through making achievements related to the above-mentioned functions.

wordcounterでの単語数カウント結果:189 words 1,267 characters
