英検1級二次試験スピーチのサンプル例文『Should the sale of tobacco products be made illegal?』
過去に出題されました課題(『Should the sale of tobacco products be made illegal?』)のサンプル例文です。オンラインのネイティブ講師の確認を受けております。
課題:Should the sale of tobacco products be made illegal?
以下がサンプル例文です。「タバコのもたらすカッコいいイメージ」という部分はJohn Grishamの小説『The Runaway Jury』から頂戴しております。
Tobacco has long been used in the world. But many people consider it as unnecessary luxury goods for human society. In my opinion the sale of tobacco products should be made illegal and I have 3 reasons explaining this.
Firstly, it is very harmful to the human body. According to the world health organization, Tobacco kills around 6 million people each year. It causes cancer, respiratory and circulatory diseases.
Secondly, it harms not only the smoker himself but also people around the smoker. The smoke is so hazardous and so called secondhand smoke is causing more than 41,000 deaths per year. Many children suffer from second hand smoke by their families.
Thirdly, it attracts minors and make them start smoking from early ages. The cool image that tobacco shows is so irresistible to them. They would have been using it for many years and this will make them end up seriously ill at the prime of their life.
Finally, Tobacco related illnesses cause a great amount of money to be spent on healthcare. Since Japanese medical expenditure has been skyrocketing because of the aging society, we cannot afford this preventative disease health care cost anymore.
Tobacco is harmful and addictive. We should make it illegal.