英検1級二次試験スピーチのサンプル例文『In what ways has the internet made young people more vulnerable?』

過去に出題されました課題(『In what ways has the internet made young people more vulnerable?』)のサンプル例文です。オンラインのネイティブ講師の確認を受けております。

課題:In what ways has the internet made young people more vulnerable?


Firstly I feel cyberbullying makes young people more vulnerable. These days some people with ill-intentions often post offensive messages on the internet anonymously. For those who are bullied, it will cause pain and humiliation. There have even been cases of cyberbullying leading some youngsters to commit suicide.

(Secondly, It is easy for young people to browse extreme and racist opinions published on the internet. Youngsters are easily influenced by these radical ideas and may conduct inappropriate activities.)

Finally, Nowadays false information is often seen on the internet. Some Ads lure inexperienced youngsters into buying financial securities in order to cheat their money. Some information even tricks young women into prostitution.

In conclusion. I feel such slander, scams and harmful doctrines severely hurt youngsters. So, I hope governments will act quickly by regulating what people can publish on the internet.