英検1級二次試験スピーチのサンプル例文『Is it always good to prolong the life of the dying?』

過去に出題されました課題(『Is it always good to prolong the life of the dying?』)のサンプル例文です。オンラインのネイティブ講師の確認を受けております。

課題:Is it always good to prolong the life of the dying?


I do not believe it is always good to prolong the life of the dying. I have a few reasons to support my opinion.

Firstly, Prolonging life means prolonging suffering, if people are terminally ill. Many people are in terrible pain for a long time before death. They do not want to spend their life in a coma or become a burden to others. They want to die with dignity. A person’s wish about How they want to die should be respected.

Secondly, Prolonging the life of the dying may be an unnecessary expense for families and society. The costs of keeping people alive when they are terminally ill are very high. I feel such costs should be paid if there is a hope that a patient can recover and have a reasonable quality of life in prognosis.

For the reasons I just gave you, I think that extending the life of the dying may not be a wise choice.