英検1級二次試験スピーチのサンプル例文『Is political correctness really necessary in today’s world?』
過去に出題されました課題(『Is political correctness really necessary in today’s world?』)のサンプル例文です。オンラインのネイティブ講師の確認を受けております。
課題:Is political correctness really necessary in today’s world?
以下がサンプル例文です。この課題は「political correctness」の意味を知らないとお手上げです。三年前の作文ですが今読み返しますと論点がずれております。これだと試験官に質問のネタを提供しているようなものです。
There are seven billion people are living in the world. Each people has different back ground such as religion, sex, country, social class, region, politics, education, and I believe that political correctness is not really necessary in today’s world.
Firstly we cannot express our true feelings when we pay too much attention to being politically correct. Also, we cannot express our true feelings if we observe political correctness too much. There are so many NG words and when you are afraid of offending the listener there will be noting to talk about.
Secondly, Japanese cannot obtain meaningful conversation with the western-anglo driven people when we talk with political correctness. Japanese usually talk very politely, very indirectly and very noncommittal with each other but this style is not accepted by those people.
The 2020 olympic will be held in Tokyo and Japan is already an international society. We need to talk internationally.