英検1級二次試験スピーチのサンプル例文『Can the global food supply be secured in the coming decades?』
過去に出題されました課題(『Can the global food supply be secured in the coming decades?』)のサンプル例文です。オンラインのネイティブ講師の確認を受けております。
課題:Can the global food supply be secured in the coming decades?
Although food shortage has not been completely(totally) eliminated around the world, thanks to the progress of agricultural practices and international cooperation, together with the overall decreased birth rate in the world, I am confident that the global food supply can be guranteed in the foreseeable future.
First, with advances in biotechnology, genetic modified food is being produced in many countries. Scientific research indicates that agricultural crops grown by using GM technology is proven safe for human beings and is more pest and disease-resistant. So through adopting this technology in farming, it greatly helps agricultural productivity, which contributes to resolving famine problem.
Second, International cooperation plays an crucial roll in reducing food shortages in some poverty-stricken nations. There are none-profitable world organizations(NGOs) and charities which manage to help some countries in need by subsidizing food and other necessities. Also, quite a few advanced nations aid their surplus food to the countries in poverty.
Furthermore, as the fertility-rate is declining throughout the world, especially in developed countries, staple diets for humans such as rice and wheat are becoming abundant and the consumption of carbohydrate is decreasing. For instance, there has been the measure which regulates the production of rice in Japan in the hope that the government can control the annual yield of rice. Additionally, Japan has been aiding the nations which are suffering food deficiency by providing its extra rice over a long period.
While it is still a long way to meet all people’s food demand, based on the above mentioned reasons, together with the continued development of science, I believe that the global food supply can be secured in the coming decades.