英検1級二次試験スピーチのサンプル例文『Agree or disagree: The Japanese government should do more to protect the environment』
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課題:Agree or disagree: The Japanese government should do more to protect the environment
Although Japanese government has made an effort to preserve the environment, I feel more should be done due to the loss of biodiversity, environmental contamination and deforestation.
Scientific research indicates that over recent decades, the number of endangered animal species has declined rapidly. The ibis, for example, could be seen in most parts of Japan in the early 1900s. However, in the mid 20th century its numbers plummeted because a large amount of chemical fertilizer was used in farming, which killed the staple diet of the ibis known as the pond snail. As a result, they could not find their preferred food and starved to death. Now in the 21st century, these magnificent birds cannot fly free in the blue air any more and leave Japanese people with a great deal of regret. Hence, I really hope that with advances in agricultural practices and enforcement of the law, the use of chemical pesticides and other harmful substances can be reduced to the minimal so as to sustain an adequate quantity of natural food sources for all animals.
Moreover, While Japan has achieved much success in decreasing CO2 emissions, which helps minimize the effects of global warming, I think it still has a long way to go. Due to the 2011 Earthquake in Fukushima, the radiation leakage from the nuclear reactors severely polluted the air, water supply and soil in the region, thus seriously affecting the locals’ daily lives and the economy of the prefecture. What is worse is, quite a lot of people lost their families in the tsunami and suffered from radiation diseases. I think the leakage is partly because of the big magnitude, but more importantly is because of the maintenance problems with the reactors. Therefore, I firmly believe that the government has to periodically beef up necessary maintenance and examination work and enhance the early warning system in order to reduce the casualty and damage of a natural disaster.
Finally, These days companies often exploit natural habitats for economic gain, which results in deforestation. As a result, many wild species cannot find their preferred habitat and consequently are forced to migrate to other places where they have difficulties in finding food sources and this severely affects the reproduction of their offspring.
Based on the above-mentioned reasons, I conclude that the government should put more effort into protecting and conserving the environment so that all creatures can happily and safely live in this country.