英検1級二次試験スピーチのサンプル例文『agree or disagree: governments should spend more money on research in the field of regenerative medicine』
過去に出題されました課題(『agree or disagree: governments should spend more money on research in the field of regenerative medicine』)のサンプル例文です。オンラインのネイティブ講師の確認を受けております。
課題:agree or disagree: governments should spend more money on research in the field of regenerative medicine
Although regenerative medicine sounds interesting and may cure some severe diseases, I still think that we should abstain from allocating more money to the research in this field based on ethical issues and the disparity between the rich and the poor.
Firstly, It seems to me a little like cloning. I guess many people are worried about the prospect(possibility) of replacing the damaged organ of the body with something grown by scientists. This is the ethical question of growing stem cells in laboratories just for extending people’s life. A clearly-defined boundary regarding what is and is not ethically permissible(allowable) in medical studies have to be set up(held) immediately. Without such a guideline, scientific research cannot proceed.
Moreover, regenerative medicine requires a great cost to remedy, which means it is very likely to be restricted to the very rich. Consequently, most poor patients, even ordinary patients are unable to afford to take this transplant operation. I consider the gap between the rich and the poor will increasingly conspicuous due to the extremely expensive cost of this treatment. I believe the opportunity to receive medical treatment should be equal for all people, not only confined to the richest.
For the above-mentioned reasons, I maintain that it is too early for governments to spend much money on this area of research as it will take funding away from other basic and important forms of medical research.