英検1級二次試験スピーチのサンプル例文『Should organ transplants be more available in Japan?』
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課題:Should organ transplants be more available in Japan?
I am for organ transplant for the following two reasons.
Firstly, organ transplants can save many people’s lives. The latest statistics show that 80% of patients had recovered after organ transplant, showing good improvements in prognosis. In Japan the demand for organ transplant far exceeds supply. More than 13000 patients are waiting for their turn to receive a healthy organ every year, yet only about 150 organ transplants, are carried out. So, in order to save more lives, organ transplant should be more promoted in Japan.
Secondly, organ transplant contributes to the advancement of medical science.Nowadays organ transplants are not limited to the human body. Organs can be created from a single cell through regenerative medicine. So I believe with other technologies, organ transplant is advancing medical science.
For the reasons just mentioned, I support organ transplants should be more available in Japan.