英検1級二次試験スピーチのサンプル例文『Agree or disagree: Teenagers should avoid using Social Networking Services』

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課題:Agree or disagree: Teenagers should avoid using Social Networking Services


Agree or disagree: Teenagers should avoid using Social Networking Services

With the spread of the Internet as a communication means throughout the world, I disagree that teenagers should avoid using Social Networking Services in terms of education and personal relationships.

Firstly, nowadays there are quite a few lessons concerning the sciences and literature of famous colleges can be dowloaded from the Internet, so many students are able to acquire necessary knowledge by attending these internet lessons in their spare time. I feel this helps save both time, energy as well as money to improve the efficiency of learning.They do not need to commute to the school at the fixed time, which gives them more flexibility.

Secondly, Compared with adolescents in the olden days, teenagers in contemporary(modern) society are well informed and quite clear about what they want to do. Through taking advantage of Social Networking Services, most of them may communicate and exchange views and information with each other and also have opportunities to make friends, which I think, contributes to establishing beneficial personal relationships.

While some people argue teenagers are still inexperienced, based on the above-mentioned reasons, I firmly believe that we should support them to enjoy using modern technology in order to broaden their knowledge bank and horizons.