英検1級二次試験スピーチのサンプル例文『To what extent should there be restrictions on freedom of expression?』

過去に出題されました課題(『To what extent should there be restrictions on freedom of expression?』)のサンプル例文です。オンラインのネイティブ講師の確認を受けております。

課題:To what extent should there be restrictions on freedom of expression?


I think governments should place restrictions on freedom of expression to some extent.

Firstly, Governments should prohibit people from publishing extreme and racist opinions. These days some extremists and racist organizations deliberately post radical comments on the internet, which has adversely affected people’s mental health. Some of them even conducted violent actions due to such harmful ideas. Hence Governments must place strict restrictions on what people can publish on the internet.

Secondly, Governments should require people to use their real names when posting messages on the internet. Some people with ill-intentions write terrible things about others. For those who are cyber bullied, it will cause pain and humiliation. So, governments should punish those who use freedom of expression to slander the innocent.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that freedom of expression should be restricted. If it violates other people’s human rights, It must be prohibited.