英検1級二次試験スピーチのサンプル例文『Can the global demand for water be met in the future?』
過去に出題されました課題(『Can the global demand for water be met in the future?』)のサンプル例文です。オンラインのネイティブ講師の確認を受けております。
課題:Can the global demand for water be met in the future?
With the growing population throughout the world, the demand for fresh water has been rapidly rising over recent decades. I believe that if advanced technologies are employed in agricultural practices and water consumption in households is well controlled, water supply can be sustainable in the coming years.
In many countries, especially in developed nations, people tend to take water for granted, so they often use too much water when washing dishes and clothes or taking a bath. Sometimes they even leave tap water running, using excessive water to wash vegetables and fruit. Hence, governments should call for their citizens to raise the awareness of saving water in their dailiy lives in order to reduce water consumption in every household.
Furthermore, Governments, especially in developing countries, should invest more money in researching and strengthening the technology of irrigation systems and encourage farmers to recycle fresh water. By improving (the productivity)the efficiency of food production, more fresh water can be saved and then supplied to the needs of growing population. Additionally, some actions need to be taken in expanding the current water networks so that freshwater resources are able to be more effectively exploited(utilized).
Freshwater reserves are indispensable(crucial) for the preservation of human life. Therefore, we should make every effort to prevent the valuable resource from being exhausted through implementing(carrying out) scientific technologies in agricultural activities and economically using water in our families.