英検1級二次試験スピーチのサンプル例文『Has the influence of Western values weakened Japanese identity?』

過去に出題されました課題(『Has the influence of Western values weakened Japanese identity?』)のサンプル例文です。

課題:Has the influence of Western values weakened Japanese identity?


We are living in the age of globalization. People around the world have been exposed to foreign influences. Many Japanese believe that Western values weakened our identity. However I am oppose to that idea.

Firstly, Japan will not follow those values blindly. We absorb those values and alter them to suit our needs. Japanese have been doing this so called cultural digestion practices since Yayoi period which is the third century B.C.. Once it is digested it is not western values anymore but our values.

Secondly, Confucianism teachings which are still rooted deeply in Japanese culture, prevent western values from invading our minds. The great sage taught us filial piety. This belief works as a bulwark against the potential changes that foreign values, in this case, western values, might cause.

We have been living on this tiny island since the onset of our history. Our identity will not be weakened so easily.