日本英語検定協会の2018年度 第3回、英検1級一次試験エッセイ(Is a worldwide ban on weapons of mass destruction an attainable goal?)の解答例文
日本英語検定協会の2018年度 第3回、英検1級一次試験エッセイ(English Composition)の解答例文です。コーチNo.1が作文しました。ネイティブ講師の添削(てんさく)も受けております。ネイティブ講師No.1が添削状況をドラマ風に仕立ててYouTubeに掲載しております。
課題:Is a worldwide ban on weapons of mass destruction an attainable goal?
I don’t think a worldwide ban on weapons of mass destruction is an achievable goal. I have a few reasons for this.
Firstly, Mass shootings of innocents at public places have become more malicious throughout the world especially in the US. even though many peaceful organizations are calling for the ban on guns. For example, the US administration, headed by Barack Obama aimed to pass stricter gun laws, including the confiscation of automatic weapons, but they failed it due to the opposition from the National Rifle Association, a powerful pro-gun lobby.
Secondly, using weapons of mass destruction such as nuclear weapons in warfare is increasing. The United States have frequently intervened in a fight, but it couldn’t reduce terrorism and often inflamed the situation. In Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria for instance, terrorists fought wars with weapons to accelerate hostility and acrimony between ethnic and political groups.
Finally, it’s financially difficult to completely ban on weapons of mass destruction. Some people argue surveillance technology and other security enhancements can effectively prevent it, yet beefing up security in every potential terrorist area is too costly to be feasible.
I believe that a worldwide ban on weapons of mass destruction is not an attainable goal based on the above stated reasons.
wordcounterでの単語数カウント結果:207 words 1,321 characters
I do not think a worldwide ban on weapons of mass destruction is an achievable goal. There are a few reasons which spring to mind.
First, Recently mass shootings of innocents in public places have become even more malicious throughout the world especially in the US., although many peaceful organizations are calling for a ban on guns. For example, the US administration, headed by Barack Obama aimed to pass stricter gun laws, including the confiscation of automatic weapons, but it failed due to opposition of the National Rifle Association, a powerful pro-gun lobby.
Second, using weapons of mass destruction such as nuclear weapons in warfare is increasing. The United States frequently intervenes in crisis, but it could not effectively reduce terrorism and often worsened the situation. In Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria for instance, terrorists fought a war with nuclear weapons to inflamed hostility and acrimony between ethnic and political groups.
Finally, it’s financially difficult to completely ban weapons of mass destruction. Some people argue surveillance technology and other security enhancements can effectively negate the need for a ban, yet beefing up security in every potential terrorist area is too costly to be feasible.
I believe that a worldwide ban on weapons of mass destruction is not an attainable goal based on the above-stated reasons.
wordcounterでの単語数カウント結果:213 words 1,358 characters