日本英語検定協会の2020年度 第1回、英検1級一次試験エッセイ(Agree or disagree: Improving relations with other Asian nations should be a priority for the Japanese government)の解答例文
日本英語検定協会の2020年度 第1回、英検1級一次試験エッセイ(English Composition)の解答例文です。コーチNo.1が作文しました。ネイティブ講師の添削(てんさく)も受けております。
課題:Agree or disagree: Improving relations with other Asian nations should be a priority for the Japanese government
I agree that Japanese government should give priority to establish close rapport with other Asian countries. I will clarify my reasons as the following.
Firstly and most importantly, it is beneficial for the economy of Japan. Japanese companies really needs customers from Asian countries to buy their products because they have purchase power thanks to the increasing growth of economy of Asian countries. Meanwhile, Japan are becoming to rely on the imported commodities from Asian nations to boost domestic consumption as they can provide quality goods at lower prices. Only strengthening the economic relationship, can Japan get out of the prolonged economic recession.
Secondly, from the political stance I think Japanese government needs to enhance the solidarity with other Asian countries. As we know from a time ago, Japan has been controlled under the umbrella of the US-Japan security treaty, which seriously undermines Japan’s political independence on the world stage. If Japan emphasizes the bond with other Asian countries from now on, I believe it will contribute to the peace and economy of the world.
Finally, improving relations with neighboring countries helps deepen cultural communication. Geographically it is convenient to commute between the countries, so more and more people come to Japan to study, work and travel. Some unique traditional Japanese culture such as the tea ceremony, flower arrangement and Kabuki stage drama are spread over. At the same time, many young Japanese start to work and live in other Asian countries to enjoy cultural diversity.
In conclusion, based on the above mentioned reasons I maintain that Japanese government should put more efforts to build up a solid relationship with other Asian nations.
wordcounterでの単語数カウント結果:273 words 1,750 characters
I agree that the Japanese government should give priority to establish close rapport with other Asian countries. I will clarify my reasons as follows.
First and most importantly, it is beneficial for the economy of Japan. Japanese companies really need customers from Asian countries to buy their products due to the increasing growth and buying power of economies within Asia. Meanwhile, Japan is beginning to rely on the imported commodities from Asian nations to boost domestic consumption as they can provide quality goods at lower prices. Only by strengthening the relationship with other Asian countries, can Japan get out of the prolonged economic recession.
Second, from the political stance l think the Japanese government needs to enhance the solidarity with other Asian countries. As we know,Japan is controlled under the umbrella of the US-Japan security treaty, which seriously undermines Japan’s political independence on the world stage. If Japan emphasizes the bond with other Asian nations from now on, I believe it will contribute to the peace and economy of the world.
Finally, improving relations with neighboring countries helps deepen cultural communication. Geographically it is convenient to commute between countries, so more and more people come to Japan to study, work and travel. Some unique traditional Japanese culture such as the tea ceremony, flower arrangement and Kabuki stage drama can be experienced everywhere. At the same time, many young Japanese start to work and live in other Asian countries to enjoy cultural diversity.
In conclusion, based on the above-mentioned reasons I maintain that the Japanese government should put more effort into building up a solid relationship with other Asian nations.
wordcounterでの単語数カウント結果:269 words 1,738 characters