日本英語検定協会の2019年度 第3回、英検1級一次試験エッセイ(Can renewable energy sources replace fossil fuels?)の解答例文
日本英語検定協会の2019年度 第3回、英検1級一次試験エッセイ(English Composition)の解答例文です。コーチNo.1のオリジナルとネイティブ講師の添削(てんさく)後を掲載しております。
課題:Can renewable energy sources replace fossil fuels?
In my opinion, I don’t think renewable energy can completely replace fossil fuels. I have three reasons for it.
Firstly, most developing countries even some industrialized nations still heavily rely on fossil fuels, because they are much cheaper than renewables. Recent surveys from a well recognized scientific institute show that coal accounts for nearly 85% and 65% of the energy needs respectively in India and China. Even in Germany coal currently comprises about 45% of the energy requirement. Coal is the most economical way to generate energy for many countries by now.
Secondly, we may hesitate to say renewable energy is friendly to the environment when looking back the nuclear leaking devastation in 2011 earthquake in Japan. Even until today the economy of Fukushima and its surrounding regions still have not recovered from radioactive catastrophe. What is the worst is, quite a lot local people and crops, marine species were contaminated. The majority of Japanese are opposed to using nuclear energy to generate electric.
Finally, It is costly to develop renewables through the current scientific ability. Even though it is successfully achieved like geothermal energy, it only can be used in Iceland. If a government have money to invest developing renewable energy which cannot be guaranteed to success in the foreseeable future, I really feel the money should be given out to the unemployed or working poor people.
In belief, I firmly believe that fossil fuels cannot be completely substituted by renewables in the foreseeable future.
wordcounterでの単語数カウント結果:246 words 1,549 characters
In my opinion, I don’t think renewable energy will ever completely replace fossil fuels. I have three reasons for this.
First, most developing countries even some industrialized nations still heavily rely on fossil fuels, because they are much cheaper than renewables. Recent surveys from a well recognized scientific institute show that coal accounts for nearly 85% and 65% of the energy needs respectively in India and China. Even in Germany coal currently comprises about 45% of the energy requirement. Coal has been the most economical way to generate energy for many countries up to now.
Second, we may hesitate to say that renewable energy is friendly to the environment when looking back at the nuclear leaking devastation in the 2011 earthquake in Japan. Even today the economy of Fukushima and its surrounding regions has still not recovered from this radioactive catastrophe. What is worse is, quite a few local people, crops and marine species were contaminated. The majority of Japanese are opposed to using nuclear energy to generate electric.
Finally, It is costly to develop renewables with the current scientific ability. Even though there has been some success with geothermal energy in Iceland, the same system may not be applied to Japan. If a government has money to invest developing renewable energy which cannot be guaranteed to succeed, I really feel the money should be given out to the unemployed and working poor people.
In conclusion, I firmly believe that fossil fuels will not be completely substituted by renewables in the foreseeable future.
wordcounterでの単語数カウント結果:253 words 1,569 characters