日本英語検定協会の2021年度 第3回、英検1級一次試験エッセイ(Should investment in technology be a bigger priority for governments?)の解答例文
日本英語検定協会の2021年度 第3回、英検1級一次試験エッセイ(English Composition)の解答例文です。コーチNo.2が作文しました。こちらは現在ネイティブ講師が添削(てんさく)中です。
課題:Should investment in technology be a bigger priority for governments?
The technology is advancing day by day. It provides us with large amount of benefits to human beings. However I do not think that any governments should investment in it as their bigger priority. I have three reasons to support my theory.
Firstly, there are many places to use government money for people’s benefit. The capital of governments came from people. It should be used for social welfare in the first place. There are a lot of people who could not ends meet. Government should help those people first.
Secondly, governments should ease restrictions rather than invest money. Every private companies are struggling to develop new technologies. However some government restrictions hinder their activities. For example, there are many talented engineers in India who want to work in foreign country but they can not get working visa there.
Lastly, money from government will not be used carefully. As we say, ”Easy Come, Easy Go”. People tend to spend this kind of money like water. We do not want our taxed money to be wasted. For developing new technologies they should use money from their own purse.
Each nation needs advanced technology for their people. But governments should not prioritize the investment in technology. Governments should rather orchestrate their nation for developing advanced technologies.
wordcounterでの単語数カウント結果:212 words 1,319 characters
Technology is advancing day by day and providing us with numerous benefits. However, I do not think that any government should prioritize investing in it. I have three reasons to support my theory.
Firstly, there are many places where the government’s money could be used for people’s benefit. The government’s capital comes from the people, so it should be primarily used for social welfare. Many people struggle to make ends meet, and the government should prioritize helping them first.
Secondly, governments should ease restrictions rather than invest money. Private companies are struggling to develop new technologies, but government restrictions hinder their activities. For example, many talented engineers in India want to work in foreign countries, but they cannot obtain working visas.
Lastly, government money may not be used carefully. As the saying goes, “Easy come, easy go.” People tend to spend this type of money carelessly, and we do not want our taxed money to be wasted. Instead, they should use their own funds to develop new technologies.
Every nation needs advanced technology for its people, but governments should not prioritize investing in it. Instead, governments should encourage their nation to develop advanced technologies.
wordcounterでの単語数カウント結果:194 words 1,252 characters
ChatGPTには『Could you correct the following english essay gramatically? :The technology is a ….』と入力しました。
Technology plays a crucial role in our lives, and governments need to invest in it to stay competitive and innovative. This essay argues that investment in technology should be a bigger priority for governments, and provides three reasons to support this view.
Firstly, investment in technology drives economic growth. Governments can create new industries and jobs by investing in research and development of new technologies. For example, countries like South Korea and Taiwan have invested heavily in technology and are now leaders in the semiconductor industry, boosting their economies.
Secondly, investment in technology improves public services. Governments can streamline their operations and provide more efficient services by implementing new technologies. Online platforms for government services can reduce waiting times and improve accessibility for people with disabilities.
Lastly, investment in technology can address global challenges such as climate change and healthcare. Clean energy technologies can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, while healthcare technologies can improve patient outcomes and reduce costs. Prioritizing investment in technology can contribute to solving these pressing issues.
In conclusion, investment in technology is a crucial government priority that drives economic growth, improves public services, and addresses global challenges. Governments must invest in research and development to stay competitive and ensure a better future for their citizens.
wordcounterでの単語数カウント結果:208 words 1,493 characters
ChatGPTには『Hello. Could you answer the following English exam which were held in Japan. : ● Write an essay on the given TOPIC. ● Give THREE reasons to support your answer. ● Structure: introduction, main body, and conclusion ● Suggested length: 200 240 words ● Write your essay in the space provided on Side B of your answer sheet. Any writing outside the space will not be graded. TOPIC Should investment in technology be a bigger priority for governments?』と入力しました。文字数がオーバーしていたので『Thank you so much. But again, could you make its total words between 200 and 240 ?』と作り直してもらいました。