日本英語検定協会の2021年度 第1回、英検1級一次試験エッセイ(Are economic sanctions a useful foreign-policy tool?)の解答例文
日本英語検定協会の2021年度 第1回、英検1級一次試験エッセイ(English Composition)の解答例文です。コーチNo.2が作文しました。こちらは現在ネイティブ講師が添削(てんさく)中です。
課題:Are economic sanctions a useful foreign-policy tool?
Human being has been making huge effort to forge a harmonious world. However there are still some countries who are under economic sanctions. I do not believe that economic sanctions a useful foreign-policy tool. I have three reasons to support my theory.
Firstly, some countries will help the sanctioned nation economically. Relations between nations are akin to that of children. The world nations are divided into some blocks. No matter how thoroughly one part apply sanctions, another part will offer assistance to the nation. Economic sanctions do not work as we thought to be unless they are done in concert with all the world nations.
Secondly, it will bring a negative influence on the world economy. The economy of modern world has deep ties among each nations. We could not exclude any nations economically without any negative impact from the act. If Japan imports some oil from the nation, it is very easy to imagine the influence from it. We will be getting caught in our own trap.
Lastly, it will trigger military conflicts among the countries. The sanctioned nation may use military force to show their defiance. The neighboring countries will be affected by it so hard. It will lead to another conflict. Nobody want world war from any economic sanctions.
The economic sanctions are easy diplomatic measures to punish unwanted conduct from a sovereign country. But I think it is not useful as a foreign-policy tool. People need more dialogue, diplomacy and negotiations, I believe.
wordcounterでの単語数カウント結果:247 words 1492 characters
Human beings have been making huge efforts to forge a harmonious world. However, some countries are still under economic sanctions. I do not believe that economic sanctions are a useful foreign-policy tool. I have three reasons to support my theory.
Firstly, some countries will help the sanctioned nation economically. Relations between nations are akin to those between children. The nations of the world are divided into blocks. No matter how thoroughly one block applies sanctions, another block will offer assistance to the nation. Economic sanctions do not work as we think they do, unless they are done in concert with all the world’s nations.
Secondly, economic sanctions will have a negative influence on the world economy. The economies of the modern world have deep ties among nations. We cannot exclude any nation economically without suffering negative consequences from the act. For example, if Japan imports oil from the sanctioned nation, the impact will be far-reaching. We will be caught in our own trap.
Lastly, economic sanctions can trigger military conflicts among nations. The sanctioned nation may use military force to show their defiance, and neighboring countries will be adversely affected. This can lead to another conflict. Nobody wants a world war resulting from economic sanctions.
Economic sanctions are easy diplomatic measures to punish unwanted conduct from a sovereign country. However, I do not think they are useful as a foreign-policy tool. I believe people need more dialogue, diplomacy, and negotiations.
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